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100mm Rice cake machine test with Korean Rice _ Thickness 18mm https://youtu.be/OHECH4v71Pw 100mm Rice cake machine test with Korean Rice _ Thickness 18mm We tested the SYP10001 Rice cake machine model with Korean rice The SYP10001 rice cake machine model is a model that produces 100mm round rice cakes or chips. This model can produce 360-450 pcs of rice cake per hour. It is possible to produce rice cake of 3-12T thickness and can produce up to 18T when opt.. 더보기
Rice cake machine SYP4006 _ Making 40mm x 6pcs rice chips https://youtu.be/u_nQ-PZ32oE Rice cake machine SYP4006 _ Making 40mm x 6pcs rice chips The SYP4006 rice cake machine model is a model that produces 40mm round rice cakes or chips. This model can produce 2,160-2,700 pcs rice cake per hour. It is most widely sold for chips using rice and corn. Test Material: 100% Korean rice Type#1: Rice chips Type#2: A Test Model: SYP4006 Rice popper https://www... 더보기
Description of the popped product types Type of popped products We explain the types of products that can be produced by our SYP rice cake machines. ​ Changing the product type changes the operation of the machine, so even if the same raw material is used, products with thick, thin, bumpy, or chip texture can be made. ​ The type is largely divided into rice cake and rice chip. ​ 1. Popped rice cake type >> Generally used to make thick.. 더보기
A rice cake machine that produces rice cakes for babies and children. https://youtu.be/gxV3lEOll9A A rice cake machine that produces rice cakes for babies and children. Test Material: Rice Type#1: Cake Type#2: A Test Model: SYPKSRC The SYPKSRC rice cake machine model is a model that produces Korean style rice cake shape rice cakes. This model can produce 1,800-2,250 pcs rice cake per hour. Rice cakes do not add anything other than grains, so they are often used as.. 더보기
Popped rice cake machines producing 25mm rice cakes https://youtu.be/sLBFq4uXn-w Popped rice cake machine producing 25mm rice cakes 25mm small sized popped rice cake machine from Korea. You can make 25mm (1inch) size rice cake. Products made with rice and then coated with chocolate are popular. Test Material: Rice Type#1: Cake Type#2: A Test Model: SYP2515 The SYP2515 rice cake machine model is a model that produces 25mm round rice cakes and prod.. 더보기
Rice cake machines test with 100% wheat from Bugaria https://youtu.be/JOgfnDksunw Rice cake machine test with 100% wheat from Bugaria Test Material: 100% Wheat from Bulgaria Type#1: Cake Type#2: B Test Model: SYP9002 The SYP9002 rice cake machine model is a model that produces 90mm circular rice cakes or chips. This model can produce 720-900 pcs of rice cake per hour. Compared to SYP9001, the production volume is doubled, but the price is low, so .. 더보기
Double Head Rice cake machines test with Korean Rice https://youtu.be/Cm_d6woaDPo Double Head Rice cake machine test with Korean Rice We tested the SYP9502 Rice cake machine model with broken rice from Turkey The SYP9502 rice cake machine model is a model that produces 95mm circular rice cakes or chips. This model can produce 720-900 pcs of rice cake per hour. Compared to SYP9001, the production volume is doubled, but the price is low, so it is us.. 더보기
Rice cake machine SYP4506 _ Making 45mm x 6pcs rice chips https://youtu.be/yMbPPGDnnI4 The SYP4506 rice cake machine model is a model that produces 45mm round rice cakes or chips. This model can produce 2,160-3,084 pcs rice cake per hour. It is most widely sold for chips using rice and corn. Test Material: 100% Korean rice Type#1: Rice chips Type#2: A Test Model: SYP4506 Rice popper https://www.newpop.co.kr/syp4506-rice-cake-machine For more informatio.. 더보기