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Test of SYP9002 rice popper with Wheat & Corn


SYP9002 Popped cake machine test

Test of SYP9002 with Wheat & Corn

SYP9002 popped cake machine was tested using whole wheat and corn from Europe. Whole wheat and corn were tested in a total of 4 tests


SYP9002 Popped cake machine test with Wheat & Corn


SYP9002 popped cake machine was tested using whole wheat and corn from Europe.

Whole wheat and corn were tested in a total of 4 tests, 2 each.


The SYP9002 model we used is the model that produces 90mm circular grain cakes and this model can produce 720-900 pcs of grain cakes per hour.


Test video of popped corn cake

Test#1 Popped corn cake_100% broken corn used_B Type

Test#2 Popped corn cake_100% broken corn used_A Type


Test video of popped wheat cake

Test#1 Popped wheat cake_100% whole wheat used_B Type

Test#2 Popped wheat cake_100% whole wheat used_A Type


What are A and B types popped cake?

Types A and B make the product popping differently by different machine motions.

Compared to the A type, the B type has a slightly more crispy texture.


Information of Test model_SYP9002 Grain Popper



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